Irresistible Rakes Collection Part 1 & 2 by Elizabeth Reed

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Irresistible Rakes Collection Part 1 & 2

(Elizabeth Reed)

Chapter 1


'Freddie, what took you so long?!' Caroline turned with excitement as she heard the door open.

'It's you!' Caroline's large smile left her face immediately as she was confronted with the towering and powerful frame of the Duke of Sunderland, Freddie's older brother.

'Where's Freddie?' Caroline asked without thinking, disappointment and surprise in her voice.

'I am sorry to inform you, but my brother will not be making his appointment with you today,' the Duke responded calmly in his deep, rich voice, 'nor will he be meeting with you any other time, for that matter.'

'Oh, I just bet you're sorry. Please spare me the polite façade, I know you're far from unhappy with the fact that your brother didn't turn up to see me today. And I have no doubt that you planned all of this. You stopped Freddie from coming to see me, but I'll tell you now: you can't keep Freddie or I away from each other forever, even you don't have that much power,' Caroline spoke in complete frustration. She was itching to slap the arrogant expression from his face.