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Desperate and Destitute Extract



© DrkFetyshNyghts 2021


"I've spent considerable time going over all of this paperwork and I can't find anything wrong with it. The debts are substantial and cannot be serviced by cash alone. I've got no choice but to grant the winding up order in favour of Ms Tilly Abrahams. From what I can see, this woman has acted with pure and sincere professionalism throughout. The only hurdles put in the way were by the defendant herself, Lady Virginia De Roscoe. That has to end here in favour of Ms Abrahams. That cash assets are frozen with a view to settling what of the debt can be settled, and property and other assets sold to cover the rest. I'm just wondering, Ms Abrahams, will the debt be settled in full with everything taken into consideration?"

The judge had sided with Tilly the whole way. Lady Virginia, not used to being sided against with anything in her life, ever, had slunk down in her chair next to the lawyer. And that she and her affairs were being talked about as though she was not there, was degrading to her. For court she had dressed in a stylish fitted dress, hose and heels and she looked every inch the royal bomb. However in the setting of a court the 'show' that was Virginia taking on a 'mutton dressed as lamb' vibe. At least this was how she was feeling.

Tilly stood up to address the judge. She too was dressed to the nines. A powerful woman indeed in heels and fitted skirt and jacket.

"Thank you for your considerations You Honour. In answer to your question, I don't know if the debt will be serviced completely - the totting up hasn't been completed yet. Items and property will have to be sold. There will be expenses that come out of the total. It will be some time before the bottom line is reached. But in all honesty I doubt that the entire debt will be covered. But I'm hoping that Ms De Roscoe will work with me in the event of any overlap in required finances so to bring this to a conclusion."

Tilly sounded every bit the professional pillar of society. For Virginia she had the humiliation of being talked about as though she was not there, plus the audacity of Tilly in referring to her as 'Ms' and not by her Lady title. That was something that reduced her nearer to commoner status than anything else so far.

"Indeed Ms Abrahams and may I say how impressed I have been with how you have handled what must have been a traumatic time for you. This debt is a huge one, which almost made my eyes water. Gambling addiction, is a scourge of our society when not handled correctly and here it has seen the mighty fallen. And you Ms De Roscoe, I assume you will endeavour to assist Ms Abrahams in coming to the conclusion of this matter?"

Virginia had felt her skin crawl as this judge addressed Tilly. She briefly wondered if he was a 'punter' at one of the sex den clubs the Abrahams ran and owned - it wouldn't have surprised her. The lawyer nudged Virginia to stand which was another cause for her to feel degraded, but she stood.

"Sir, I don't agree with any part of these proceedings. As far as I can tell these people, these 'gangsters' have targeted a weak willed man with a gambling habit to get to me and my fortune."

"Let me stop you there Ms De Roscoe. Do you have evidence that Ms Abrahams is a 'gangster' and do you have any proof that your husband was 'targeted'? If you don't then I suggest you curtail your accusatory comments, to prevent you being dragged to a different court for defamation of character."

The judge smirked and made it like what Virginia had said was ludicrous.

"I can assure you that I have been through everything with a fine tooth comb. Yourself and your husband don't even deny the debt. From what I can see you are just a trifle miffed that it is being called in. And your husband, gambling isn't his only weakness is it? But that is for another court, a criminal court, on another day. I repeat my question, do you intend to work with Ms Abrahams to a conclusion that she is happy with?"

The judge was not amused by Virginia's mini outburst and when he drilled his eyes into her she responded.

"I'm sorry. Yes, yes I will your honour."

And she sat down immediately. If anything, there was life being sucked out of her now. But for Tilly the opposite was true and she positively glowed.

"There you go Ms Abrahams, you will get full cooperation from the defendant."

Tilly, still standing smiled and nodded, almost bowing her head in respect to the senior judge.

"Thank you so much your honour. I'm sure I can work with the defendant to bring this to a conclusion that suits all."

The audacity of the woman referring to Virginia as 'the defendant'. It was almost as though she were having her identity taken off her and a much lesser tag being applied to her instead. And that brought this part of the proceedings to an end for the day. The judge didn't address Virginia again, rather he just stood and glared at her, over his glasses before leaving the court room. If Lady Virginia thought things were bad now, she had no idea, she really didn't.