h Fiction4All - The Suite for Authors and Publishers from Fiction4All


The Publishing Suite For Everyone.

Want to get YOUR book on sale?
You can publish your story on Fiction4All
either as an independent author, a publisher or exclusive author.
It's all here, all in one site - for YOU!
We're here for:-
Authors who need a publisher for their stories
Independent, self-publishers wanting to sell more of their stories
Publishers wanting to sell more stories on more sites


Introducing Novels4All.

The route for Independent, self-publishing authors and
Publishers to get their books turned into paperbacks!
Join us, create your author profile and join our
Novels4All program
Submit your story, either as Direct to Sale or as
Queued to be published
We will take your cover and interior and convert it into a paperback which can be sold on our sites.
See the Self-Publishing and Publishers area inside for more info.